

Announcement of Graduates Applying for Departure Procedures

【Receiving Time】Monday to Friday

【Common Steps】

A. Go to the website of National Cheng Kung University - Academic Affairs Office / Registration / Online Services / Fill in the questionnaire and print out the "Exit Slip". (All the results of the current semester's courses must be submitted before printing.)
Online Application System for Graduation from NCKU (
B. Go to the Banyan Garden Statistics Cultural and Educational Foundation webpage under "Alumni Information" - "Alumni Login/Registration" to create an alumni profile.
Banyan Garden Statistics Cultural and Educational Foundation (

【University Department】
Miss Pei-Chieh Wang (62225): Confirm that you have created your alumni profile on the Foundation's website.
Miss Mei-Ling Huang (Dept. Office): Confirm that B1 study room is cleaned up.
Dept. Office: Confirm the above and stamp the departmental stamp to complete the procedure.

【Research Institute】
Miss Pei-Chieh Wang (62225): Confirm whether the information of the alumni has been created on the Foundation's website.
Miss Chia-Chen Wu (62225): Deletion of access control to 5F seminar room, return of computer property to the seminar room, and confirmation of duty hours.
Miss Mei-Ling Huang (Dept. Office): Clean up the environment of the research room and return the key to the research room before 20 August (Tue).
Asst. Chi-Ching Wu (Dept. Office): Check if there are any borrowed journals not yet returned, and pay for 3 paperback copies of Master's thesis. (Thesis must be uploaded).
Dept. Office: Confirm the above and stamp the departmental stamp to complete the procedure.